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Minutes, April 2010
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting April 5th,  2010, 6:00 p.m.
Bolton Public Library

Present: Bob Zak, Roland Ochsenbein, Chris Sterling
Also present: Kelly Collins, Lori Nelson, Shawna Croteau, Panny Gerken, Pam Czekanski, Pam Kaminski, Ann Hurd

Agenda Items:

FoBPL/BPL Trustees Planning & Vision
Bob invited the Friends to discuss three areas: 1. To reach a common vision for use of the new facility – program room and the rest of the building, 2. Closing the Capital Campaign, and 3. Moving forward, using The Friends as a possible vehicle for some form of endowment.

Program room: it is currently open only three nights a week, for a total of 12 nights a month. It is fully booked for April and May, many of the programs are booked by the library and The Friends. Pam K. asked about using the History Room. Roland said that it could only be used during the hours that the library is open. Panny suggested that we get the data on the usage of the rooms before any decision is made, and noted that more rooms will be coming available at other places in Bolton. Kelly said that, once locks are changed and keys are available, it would be possible (except on Sundays) to lock the library, turn off the alarm (it will reset at 1 a.m.) and give the sponsor of the meeting a key to enter the building.
Perpetual Book Sale: There was a suggestion that the vault be used for storage of books for the perpetual book sale, and for books awaiting transportation to The Friends’ room at Emerson. Kelly explained that leaving the vault open presented a liability problem. The Friends currently have access to a closet by the old entrance. Kelly will talk to the staff about turning off the alarm when members of The Friends need to get into the closet.
Capital Campaign: All funds have been transferred out of the Capital Campaign account.
Moving forward: Bob suggested setting up an exploratory committee to look into creating some form of endowment fund for the library. This would include planned giving, bequests, etc. It was suggested that someone contact other libraries to see how they handle this. Kelly said that Maureen Strapko, the director of the Boxborough Library could meet with us. We will set up a meeting with her after town meeting.

Bob presented Ann with a gift in appreciation of her work which helped make the new library possible.

The minutes of the February 1st and March 1st minutes were approved.

Director’s Report:
March checkouts and renewals were up 46% over March of 2008. The library averaged over 180 visitors per day, about double the number in the old building. Kelly will keep attendance records for visitors, and also program room useage.
We have more than used up our heating budget, but may get a credit from the General Contractor due to the furnace malfunction last month. Kelly will send Carlos copies of propane and electric bills to see if they reflect what our usage should be.

Library Hours:
The Trustees decided to close the library on the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend.
The Trustees also discussed keeping the library open on Saturdays in the summer. It was decided to have the library open on Saturdays in July (except July 3rd), and not be open on Saturdays in August. This will give us some data on usage that we can use next year in deciding on summer hours.

Meeting Room:
A motion was made by Bob, second by Roland to allow the US Census Bureau to use the program room for training in April. Chris recused herself, since she works for the Bureau. The motion passed.

Correspondence with Mr. Powers:
Kelly wrote a letter of apology to Mr. Powers. The library now has the capability of generating guest passes for computer use.

Request from FEMA:
We are all set with FEMA, they will be using the Lancaster Library for their Disaster Recovery Center.

A motion was made by Bob, seconded by Chris to rekey the main door so the program room can be used when the library is closed. The motion passed unanimously.

Long Range Planning:
Kelly will start drafting a plan.

The next meeting will be Monday, May 3rd at 6 p.m. at the High School before town meeting.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees,

Robert Zak                      Roland Ochsenbein                       Christine Sterling